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EventMesh Grpc协议升级设计

1. 背景


2. 架构

SimpleMessage主要用于Grpc SDK与Runtime之间的数据交互,重新定义一个EventMesh的CloudEvent协议(完全兼容CloudEvents规范)替换SimpleMessage。


Tips: 在CloudEvents的当前1.0.2的发布版本中,Protobuf格式增加批处理功能,但是对应的SDK暂时还没提供批处理的实现。


  • SDK GRPC发送的消息有三类:EventMeshMessage,CloudEvent(CloudEvents规范)、Openmessage。将这三类消息通过转换器转换成EventMesh的CloudEvent的数据格式。
  • 将上述的三类消息通过转化器转换成EventMesh自定义的CloudEvent protobuf格式的消息,在GRPC调用的时候进行传输
  • Runtime接收到SDK发送的EventMesh自定义的CloudEvent protobuf格式的消息后对消息进行必要的校验,这里的校验包括CloudEvents规范的必须值,以及EventMesh需要校验的值。
  • 校验通过后将数据转换成CloudEvent(CloudEvents规范)的数据,进行后续的数据处理。

Tips: 自定义的EventMesh CloudEvent protobuf格式和CloudEvents的Protobuf的格式规范一样

3. 如何改造

3.1 数据协议改造


syntax = "proto3";

package org.apache.eventmesh.cloudevents.v1;

import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";

option java_package = "org.apache.eventmesh.common.protocol.grpc.cloudevents";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_outer_classname = "EventMeshCloudEvents";

message CloudEvent {

// -- CloudEvent Context Attributes

// Required Attributes
string id = 1;
string source = 2; // URI-reference
string spec_version = 3;
string type = 4;

// Optional & Extension Attributes
map<string, CloudEventAttributeValue> attributes = 5;

// -- CloudEvent Data (Bytes, Text, or Proto)
oneof data {
bytes binary_data = 6;
string text_data = 7;
google.protobuf.Any proto_data = 8;

* The CloudEvent specification defines
* seven attribute value types...

message CloudEventAttributeValue {

oneof attr {
bool ce_boolean = 1;
int32 ce_integer = 2;
string ce_string = 3;
bytes ce_bytes = 4;
string ce_uri = 5;
string ce_uri_ref = 6;
google.protobuf.Timestamp ce_timestamp = 7;

* CloudEvent Protobuf Batch Format

message CloudEventBatch {
repeated CloudEvent events = 1;


3.2 服务协议改造

syntax = "proto3";

package org.apache.eventmesh.cloudevents.v1;

import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "eventmesh-cloudevents.proto";

option java_package = "org.apache.eventmesh.common.protocol.grpc.cloudevents";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_outer_classname = "EventMeshGrpcService";

service PublisherService {
//publish event
rpc publish(CloudEvent) returns (CloudEvent);

//publish event with reply
rpc publishReply(CloudEvent) returns (CloudEvent);

//publish event one way
rpc publishOneWay(CloudEvent) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);

// publish batch event
rpc batchPublish(CloudEventBatch) returns (CloudEvent);

//publish batch event one way
rpc batchPublishOneWay(CloudEventBatch) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);

service ConsumerService {
// The subscribed event will be delivered by invoking the webhook url in the Subscription
rpc subscribe(CloudEvent) returns (CloudEvent);

// The subscribed event will be delivered through stream of Message
rpc subscribeStream(stream CloudEvent) returns (stream CloudEvent);

rpc unsubscribe(CloudEvent) returns (CloudEvent);

service HeartbeatService {
rpc heartbeat(CloudEvent) returns (CloudEvent);

3.3 SDK的升级改造

  • SDK对外的接口EventMeshGrpcProducerEventMeshGrpcConsumer无需改动(包括发布和订阅),只需要增加一个转换器将EventMeshMessage,CloudEvent(CloudEvents规范)、Openmessage三类消息转换成自定义的CloudEvent的Protobuf格式的数据即可。
  • 因为Grpc的服务参数有改动,所以需要对SDK的Grpc的Sub进行相对应的改动。

3.4 Runtime GRPC的升级改造

  • 重构整个发布和订阅的处理逻辑,增加统一数据校验和权限校验,以及数据的处理,包括重构以下处理类:

    • ProducerService: 处理发布请求
    • ConsumerService: 处理消费请求
    • HeartbeatService: 处理心跳请求


  • 增加转换器将EventMesh的CloudEvent Protobuf协议数据转换成CloudEvents规范的数据

4. 兼容性问题

  • 使用自定义的CloudEvent协议能够很好的对CloudEvents的标准协议进行兼容。
  • EventMesh从低版本升级到高版本无数据的兼容性问题。